Caitlin Rollo for NHDP 1st Vice Chair

Hi! I’m Caitlin Rollo

I am running for First Vice Chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party and I am asking for your support - because like you - I was called to action to help the greater good and believed the best way to do that was through the Democratic Party. 

I have always been deeply engaged in community organizing. As a high school activist in Manchester, I was concerned about the conditions of my local public schools. 

Recently, I joined an effort  to help save 60 school employees that received pink slips. 

Together, we made a plan to win - and we won! 

I continue to see first-hand how we all have the ability to make change possible through collaborative citizen engagement. 

What is YOUR story? Why were YOU called to ACTION? How are WE learning TOGETHER to build long term success for OUR NH Democratic Party?

We can build the party we want through a shared vision, where we are all united under one simple cause - Democratic Victory - with a focus on Performance, Inclusion, Transparency & Governance.

We all have the potential to be change agents within our own communities. We are all needed in this moment to help save democracy. Will you join me? 

In Solidarity - Caitlin Rollo 

Professional Experience

I have over twenty years of professional experience in community and political organizing at the local, state, and national level.  

For the past six years, I have worked at the national level for the National Education Association as an Organizational Development Specialist (union organizer) where I serve as one the national co-leads of our Year-Round Organizing Campaign. 

I work collaboratively with state teams to build a sustainable culture of organizing in their affiliates through Year-Round Organizing framework, which includes: 

  • Driving each phase of the campaign from initial plans, budgets, and implementation to benchmark tracking and results reporting
  • Leading and motivating teams with the ability to delegate responsibly, prioritize work activities, monitor progress, coach towards success, and ensure accountability
  • Ensuring Campaign data tracking is accurate and analyze data in order to support plan implementation and the responsible use of grant funding
  • Collaborating with the entire team to apply innovative organizing tools 
  • Building deep relationships with affiliates to develop rank-and-file member organizer programs
  • Producing internal executive level reports that reflect accurate results of campaigns and make recommendations to constantly adapt the work for an ever-changing organizing environment.

I was also elected to be a State Representative (Manchester, Ward 4) at the age of 20.  

NH Democratic Party Experience

  • NHDP Treasurer (2022-present)
  • New Hampshire Democratic Party, Officer/Executive Committee 
  • Merrimack County Democratic Committee, Executive Committee 
  • Hopkinton Democratic Committee 
  • Strafford County Democratic Committee, Past Chair/Executive Committee 
  • Rollinsford Democratic Committee
  • New Hampshire Young Democrats, Past National Committeewoman  
  • Hillsborough County Democratic Committee, Executive Committee  
  • Manchester City Democrats 

Community Organizing/Board Experience 

  • Hopkinton Together
  • Rollinsford Taxpayers for Fiscally Responsible Government
  • Friends of the Rollinsford Public Library
  • NH Citizens Alliance for Action, Board Member
  • Open Democracy, Board Member 
  • 603Forward, Board Member
  • Hopkinton, New Hampshire, United States